Friday, January 22, 2010

Is Implantation Bleeding Heavier When Having Twins Implantation Bleeding, Period Or Miscarriage? Or-what Else?

Implantation bleeding, period or miscarriage? Or-what else? - is implantation bleeding heavier when having twins

This is my story.
I spent Halloween (October 31st) with my friend: "What is our anniversary. Both have been trying for a baby, but has always failed.

So I started my period, 14 November.
For example, 14 days later. But I'm not sure if my period.
It is very difficult, first noticed that blood a) little (brown spots on my underwear. Nothing is more serious.
About an hour later got heavier and red. It's as heavy as my period. I assume it's my time.
However, do not want to start my period for 13 days. - 15 November is now. I'm not sure if it is illegal for any reason.
But I still receive a large lump to the point where they are bloody, but it is really dark, almost black, comes with the formation of blood clots. Since the strings of blood clots.
I had HORRIBLE cramps last night, so loud it was almost in tears.
Implantation bleeding heavy? Is this a miscarriage? Or is it just a terrible time?

I'm not sure about anything ri ght now. I mean, of course, I want to be pregnant. But I read some pretty scary-line bleeding and be pregnant, then other things as they could be twins, and the will to survive, but the other had an abortion.
Please can someone explain?


  1. I do not really know for sure you need with your doctor if you have not done.
    I am 9 weeks pregnant unintentionally () and I thought I had my period for more than a week, in fact, when she was pregnant - I just want my period cramps, but I had no bleeding. Then I had some brown spots. Dark brown spots for many women is an early sign of pregnancy (implantation bleeding), but blood red, and not many like you are looking for your pregnancy.

    I really wish good luck and hope I reallly wrong and she is pregnant. We are all so different that we never know for sure if you won.
    Best of Luckx

  2. Please visit your GP as soon as possible, this could fybroids by the so-called, is not dangerous and usually prevent a pregnancy, may be withdrawn, if necessary, I know how you feel I went through the same acouple years ago the earlier a problem can lead to pregnancy, it is unlikely that you are pregnant, but be patient, that this happen when you least expect it.

  3. It is his time. It could be a miscarriage because it is too early! You have a period early.

    Because the pain was so bad, and bleeding, which should see a doctor, but I think it was just a painful time.
